It seems like only yesterday that the hunkering down began.
Oh wait, it was only yesterday. OY
I suppose I shouldn't complain.  I'm lucky that we're retired and don't have to worry about missing work.  There's no school-age children getting underfoot and under-educated at the house.  We have enough toilet paper to wipe our butts for many weeks. (we're not hoarders, just enthusiastic wipers) Yet still....I complain. 

There are some positives to this situation.  I am breaking my obsessive TV news viewing.  It's just too, too depressing.  Between hearing about the ever-growing number of cases of CoronaVirus, watching the stock market plunge, and seeing the daily press conferences with tRump AND Mike's become unbearable.  I'm trying to replace reality and CNN with reality TV: Dr. Pimple Popper, Monsters Inside Me, and 90 Fiancee. 

I reached my breaking point today at 3:30.  At 4:00 I arrived at our local crafts store in search of something that would take my mind off of ...EVERYTHING. I pushed my cart (with an antiseptic wipe in hand) and aimlessly wandered the aisles.  I don't paint furniture anymore, nor do I create tasteless collages. No need to buy paint or glue.  I can't sew....for I have no needle.  I can't crochet or needlepoint. Well, it's not that I can't, I just won't. Nothing in the store was grabbing my eye.  

Then I came upon the instructional book section. For some reason, a big book titled "Botanical Line Drawing" caught my eye. Why???  Wheee!!! Drawing flowers and leaves! Does it get any more exciting than that I asked myself?  Why not double the fun by throwing some watercolors and fancy pens into the mix.  Sixty minutes and $60 later I get back in my car and race back home, expecting to discover that drawing and painting flowers and leaves would be my new obsession and distraction.

Within 7 minutes I discover that these art supplies neither obsessed nor distracted me. Honestly, I don't give two shits about drawing flowers and leaves.
Now, what do I do?!  Why, I eat of course! Cream of potato and sausage soup? Don't mind if I do!  Several generous pours of red wine, some cheese, and crackers? By all means! The large top off of a cranberry orange muffin? Who doesn't love dessert!  No big deal, I'll workout at the gym tomorrow and get rid of those pesky calories!.... Oh wait! Oh shit!  ðŸ˜–😭 
The gym is closed!!!!!  
I have a feeling that this hunkering down is going to be very fattening. (and depressing)
I'm gonna draw some flowers and leaves now, to prepare myself for tomorrow. 
The Hunkering - Day Number Three 
