Assignment #3 Fishy Tacos

Somethings Fishy About These Tacos

(Not an actual representation of the tacos depicted in this story)

Assignment #3. Write postcards to 5 people with an interesting question you’d like them to answer.  This is one of the questions I’m pretending I’m putting on a postcard  and mailing off. The names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent.  After all, it’s not like I’m a bitchy Yelp Reviewer. It’s not my intent to hurt a local business-

Why did I lie to Fernando?”, I asked myself as I tossed the styrofoam box of a cold Fish Tacos dinner into the trash can.
If I were not such a polite person, I would have asked our waiter Fernando the following question : 

“Ferdy, do many people ask you to “box up” the remains of the fish taco dinner?” And if you don’t, why the hell not?”
There was just one other couple in Fernando’s Restaurant formally O’Malleys Pub,  formally Kennedy’s Fried Chicken. If the bright new sign was to be believed, they now served “Delicious Authentic Mexican Food” One out of three ain’t bad. We did eat “food”. Every word before that was a lie.
The first sign of trouble was the lack of a liquor license. My mind went blank when Ernesto asked me what I wanted to drink. “What’s that clear, bubbly liquid that my vodka is poured into? Yeah, bring me one of those.” The laminated menu had so many choices that I found it hard to decide which bland, inauthentic Mexican meal to order.
I took a ride on the wild side, and went with the special of the night…”Fish tacos”. Anyone who knows anything about where to get the best fresh seafood knows that it’s NOT here. 

If I were to describe the taste of the fish taco, I would say “It tastes like hot grey wrapped in round beige.“
Three minutes into our meal, a very eager Fernando returned to our table, moderately perspiring and wringing his hands in front of his apron. He smiled nervously as he asked about our dinner. “IT’S GREAT!”, answered my lying husband . Ernesto turns to me and asks “ Is good? Is good?” Awkward pause. “IS GOOD!, I lied .
Could you bring me a box to wrap up the rest of this please? I guess I ate too many chips! Can’t wait to finish this tomorrow!” I could not lie to him. Why break this hard working man’s heart with the truth?
Anyway, It’s not like I’m EVER going back there again!


  1. Yes, you are very polite in restaurants to people who provide bad food and bad service. I can attest to that.


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