The Incredible Shrinking Me

Time for my every other year bone density scan. (I would write bi-yearly, but I never know if that means TWICE a year or once every two years)  I get myself positioned on the bone scanner, and the technician says to me, with absolutely none of my usual  prodding "Janet, Are you comfortable?" My heart leaped! "Eh, I make a living." Rim Shot!
Anyway, the good news is that by rejecting medication, my bone mass has increased 1%! Thank you swiss cheese sandwiches sandwiched between swiss cheese slices followed by cold milk chasers, pavement pounding walks and mega doses of Vitamin D.
 The bad news, I soon won't be allowed to get on some rides at Disneyland. Even after having the nurse measure me 4 times at two different devices, I still came up short.  A whole inch shorter than two years ago! I guess I'm not going to get that growth spurt I always dreamed of and reach 5'7".  You know, I was wondering why my pants seemed to be getting longer.



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