Yer Chicken, Ain't Ya?!

My husband's favorite online shopping site is Think Geek.  Often he will surprise me with practical yet unique gifts, such as my Bag of Holding  which holds a weeks worth of clothes and supplies and I use it frequently. Didn't realize it was named from some nerdy board game.
 ( apologies to relative who plays the game) Well, last week Kevin was giddy as a school girl when he came upon this rubber chicken purse. He offered to buy it for me if he thought I'd have the guts to use it ! The only thing I have less of than guts is the ability to turn down a challenge ! Me! No guts! Guts yes, glory no. The chicken purse arrived in the mail yesterday. I have to take it with me on vacation today. I'll show HIM who has guts ... (And no sense of fashion)  , or decency. 
At least nobody knows me where we are going! But just in case, I packed my normal purse inside the chicken purse.


That bag gets around! I'm talking about the purse of course. I couldn't believe how many compliments I received from seemingly normal people. I don't see this being a daily accessory...I'm saving it for "special" occasions.
Don't want to wear out the tread.

 Cock-Tail Time
 With Chief Martindale at The Chief Martindale Diner in Hillsdale NY..WHERE?????
At The Red Cottage..our home for the week. The chicken was a kosher chicken at Casa Goldstein

Crossing the Rip Van Winkle Bridge
There was a poultry toll charge. 


  1. Would you put the moss on the chickenpurse? Show the pictures. All the pictures. Of the moss.



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