One would think after 40 years of marriage you and your spouse would never run out of topics to fight about. Let me assure those people who worry about such things, there is no time stamp on petty bickering.
I was recently reminded of this reality while my husband Kevin was "chauffering" me  (He calls it Driving Miss Crazy). Destination, 16 miles away to
the Binghamton bus station.  How do I describe this place? It's a bus station.  It's in Binghamton NY.  Picture the unhappiest place on Earth. This is not a place that I care to spend more time than is absolutely necessary., and I consider 5 minutes more time than absolutely necessary.  Being who I am, a person who thrives on drama, I prefer to get there seconds before the bus doors shut.
Kevin, on the other (totally opposite) hand, prefers to arrive with enough time to allow me to make several new friends and thoroughly read a People magazine, with time to spare to complete their challenging crossword puzzle.
My plan: If we leave the house at 7:55  we have more than enough time to catch the 8:40 bus. Kevin's plan; leave the house at 7:25. I ask him, "Why the need for 75 minutes?"  He becomes exasperated and replies "I have to stop for gas"  Now, mind you..we're not talking about having to drill for the gas first. And he's not filling up an 18 wheeler. "How long do you think it takes to pump 10 gallons of gas into a Toyota? His reply: "10-12 minutes "  Let that sink in. Ten to 12 minutes?! Does that make sense to anybody? I counter with,  "Three minutes tops! Were you planning on ladling the gas in with a spoon? you so crazy!" He reminds me that I have no concept of time and 
suggests perhaps I should set a timer? 
So I did. Game on! Ooohh, I cannot wait to be right...again! And of course, I was. 
The time to pump $30 worth of gas?: 2 minutes 48 seconds. 
My "victory" would have been sweeter if he only admitted defeat like a man! 
That great philosopher, Dr Phil says, " Would you rather be right or would you rather be married?"
Well Dr. Phil, being married is fine, but I really enjoy being right. It must be possible to be right AND married?  The problem is my husband needs to admit that I am right.

How are we going to meet our quarrel quota while on vacation in February? I have no doubt that we won't run out of things to fight about.  Packing up the car is a known fight igniter. And of course, there's the fighting over the directions, though our GPS lady will absorb most of that road rage.
This vacation will be a testament to the strength of our relationship. I bet we will have a disagreement every 3 hours. Kevin is betting on every 1.5 hours. I'll keep my timer out!
