To quote the great philosopher Marx, Groucho Marx: "I would never join a club that would accept me as a member."  I'm all about that. If somebody really likes me, I have to doubt their motivation...and their sanity.  This goes for four legged people as well.   Rusty and Mrs. Lucille Nussbaum have been  tested to see if their feelings are true, or just a grand ruse to get belly rubs and liver treats.

I'd like to take an informal poll...

before I decide whether or not to double my meds.

Has anyone ever done this: 

1)   Lay absolutely still on the living room floor.
2)   Moan softly while making eye contact with your dog(s)
3)   Move arms and legs in short jerky movements.
4)   Now, here's where the real fun begins!  Stop breathing!
5)   Eyes opened or closed is a personal choice. Personally, I choose the half opened lid so I can better   observe the dog(s) actions and reactions.

Don't they care that I am DEAD?!

I've been living in a fools paradise!  They didn't care, they flat out couldn't give a teensy tic that I was dead! I'm getting a little teary eyed right now thinking about me being dead. But not them! Those
walking flea motels! I've given them the best years of my life. And not dog years either, but regular years!! Out of the corner of my eye I think I saw Mrs. Nussbaum trying on my clothes. 
And Rusty was rubbing his own belly!  

This will never happen for me!


  1. well, i don't lie on the floor playing dead but I DO get down with the beagle and howl with her :) we are LOUD! like you were saying about add... we can do some weird sh!t sometimes, right?

    1. Jewish and ADD! The best combo!
      I think in order to be creative it is an asset to be an Add-er. And if you're an artist, and you don't think you have're wrong...You do....You're not kidding anybody


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