Drivin' Like a Kennedy

So, I'm driving down route 17 without a care in the world. La de da! Watch me drive! Pretty Day! Song in my heart. 120 more miles to go!!

Wait a minute! I'm feeling drowsy. No, it's more than just drowsy! Why are my tongue and my toes feeling all tingly??  I can barely keep my eyelids open. And then...they open REAL wide!!

Oh shit! Did I do it again??!! 

Yep, I took my industrial strength sleeping aid instead of my 

blood pressure medication!!   whomp  whomp ...oh fuck...

What are these wiggly yellow lines doing in the middle of the 
road? Ohhh, I'm going to take a selfie!

Under the best of conditions, I am a pretty shitty driver.
Toss together some sleep deprivation, A.D.D and a muscle relaxer, and you've got the perfect storm. (you also have my entire senior year of high school)

Seriously though...

Thank you to my part-time guardian angel for keeping me (and innocent travelers) safe on the road this weekend.
I promise, I will not make this medication mix-up again!  
I'm tossing out my blood pressure meds!
I just don't trust myself.
