The Garden of A.D.D en


More Appropriate

(Just thinking ahead.)

At around hour 3 of the grueling manual labor, 
I found there was something lacking.
Time to raid my terrariums and set free the tiny folks.
If they could talk I'm sure they would say,
"thank you for freeing us from our little glass jars and exposing us to the elements where we will surely blow away or drown."

The Gate Keepers

                               The  A.D.D Garden. If 10 rocks are good...then 98 is fuckin' awesome!

If 1 or 2 tiny people is charming, then surely a dozen would be enchanting!
Playing Through the Moss
Non-chalant guy sitting backwards on a horse.

The Observer
Moss covered log with a tiny horse on the end.
Little Lady sitting in a dried mushroom next to a
redwood tree trunk. ( or a tiny chunk of ceder chip)

Old guy peering over the Irish Moss
