Some People Just Shouldn't Have a Cell Phone

Some People Just Should NOT Have Cell Phones!

I wish I knew how to do a screen shot of this text conversation I had yesterday. I am certain that the texter had purple nails that matched her purple phone.  What follows is the head shaking exchange:

i'm at your house but i'm early let
me know when you will be home so 
maybe its too long wait.

ME: You're at MY house?  Unless one of my
dogs has grown opposable thumbs and stole my cell phone...
I don't think you're at my house. :)
Sorry, wrong number.

i'm at Lincoln and short.

ME: GREAT!  Who are you?
ME: Well Faith, you have the wrong number. This is
What is most appalling is the utter lack of proper capitalization and punctuation!!
And the stupidity....
Yeah, the stupidity.


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