( Click link to go to YouTube Video.  The VIDEO I originally wanted to use was taking far too long to load, so I had to find another one.  The gist is the same. ADD anyone?)                       
Is it normal  to be envious of one's dog?  I used to think that the only ability of a dog's  to envy would be their ability to lick their own special parts. I remember one night we were watching Rusty lick himself, really going at it!  Kevin says, "Gee I wish I could do that!" I told him that maybe if he asked Rusty real nice, he'd let him. Bada Bing! I'm here all week folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress!  But, back to my point Mrs. Lucille Nussbaum (Lucy to her friends) has many qualities that I wish I possessed.
Which way did he go George, which way did he go.....
A 14 pound doxie mutilated this metal downspout!
Now THAT'S stick-to-it-ness!
First one being her non-A.D.D-ish-ness.  A short peek into this quality can be seen in the video clip. 
 This determined dachshund could spend literally hours in dirt covered pursuit of a chipmunk that may or may not be in the area in which she is digging. It doesn't matter to her if she can hear, see, or smell the  varmint. Once she has her mind set on catching the creature, she digs in her heels (all 4 of them) and  won't give up until I drag her away kicking and screaming. (I'm kicking and screaming)  Mrs. Nussbaum's attention to her task is so admirable. Rain? Not a problem! Making no visible progress?  I see progress! Go fuck yourself!!  Involved in a seemingly futile and/or imaginary mission? I'm a digger, it's what I do.  Deal with it! 
I imagine these are her thoughts. When in actuality she's probably thinking: "digdigdigpeepeepooppoopwhenisdinnnerbeingserved" If she thinks at all. I  wouldn't count on it. THAT'S another trait I envy in dogs! Thinking is over rated. Leads to decisions having to be made, choices to be chosen....the list goes on and on...I think. 
If dogs had opposable thumbs, do you suppose they would write blogs?  I think they would rule the world. 
