My Garden of Versus

Welcome to Janet's Garden!...Where every perennial becomes an annual!

Every May I am a powerhouse of gardening mania.  Digging up dirt for new gardens, ripping out the remnants of last years garden..(aka "Fall clean-up) , over buying big time at a different nursery a day. 
Like a compulsive eater who orders take-out from different fast food restaurants , I spread out my purchases throughout town. "Pssst, that lady there...yeah, the one who's  drooling...didn't she buy 34 dozen violas  Thursday?. Poor thing."

As the sun slowly set in the west..or the east..wherever it enthusiasm for planting the last dozen viola plants also was setting... Damn stupid flowers!  I wonder if I am alone in the action I took next. Here's how Me Vs. Violas goes: 
ME: " It would be tragic if I accidentally broke the roots off of this plant whilst lifting it from its plastic pot. Oh  No!! Now I must throw it out. No more planting for me today!"
VIOLA: murderer

I bought a rock.

I live on 3 acres with  woods  and  a creek.
For My Rock Garden
I paid $2.99 for it!
It's a big rock!
Just look at how it dwarfs the golf ball next to it!


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