Married to the (Grammar) Mob

Married to the (Grammar) Mob

Disclaimer: I love my husband . He is very supportive of me and my manic adventures.

It was brought to my attention that if I want to be taken seriously as a professional , ( I don't ) that I need to correct the grammar on my random thought #2 post.
At first I fought this suggestion... Knee jerk reaction. "No.. No thank you dear. I do not want to be taken seriously. This is my party and I'll use the wrong preposition if I want to.
Two hours later: Fuck! You're right!!  Damn you and your B.A in English!
Mr. Editor. You win! But I'll never tell you.
Sooo, I'll change the "of" to "have". Let's see if it makes a difference at all.


  1. Oh puhleeze, miss rat. Grammar Mob this....

  2. Your husband sounds like an arsehole.

  3. now, now, anonymous....I'm just taking creative license. :)
    sort of. (And if this is you a man and sign your name! asshole!!


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