Ithaca...That's the ticket !!

Road Trip!
I forgot to take
My adderall
Forgot to take
Aspirin for my splitting 
Cheap white wine headache.
And biggest forget ...
My lips resemble two smears of cream cheese.
I don't know how I'm going to get through the day!!! 
I'm not looking forward to
Facing the world with a colorless mouth.
What will the people think of me!?
" oh the poor dear   , she's really let herself go "

Short day . The sun forgot to come out. And the temperature forgot to get above 55.. Grabbed a Jew-y lunch at Hals Restaurant. Got back to find this very humorous ticket in the car. ( humorous because it's not MY ticket !)

If anyone ever asks me,  " am I too far from the curb?" Don't listen to me!


  1. I know, we got one the other day....I think they want to fund the whole city with tickets!

  2. The ironic part is the ticket wasn't even for parking in a clearly marked no parking zone ,, parking meters taped up like mummies.. They could of slammed us twice ! Guess the cop was too amazed at the horrible parking job


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