This is Your Brain on Blog

Blog Your Way To Health

My brain and me just turned 60!  
As a result, there is simply not enough room in the brain for all of the random thoughts I find myself 
having....constantly. One random thought I recently had was "Would a blog be a good way to free up my brain space ? I could make room for useful thoughts, like, "how can I best clean these floors?" or, "what can I do to make my husband happy today?"
That's just crazy talk!
I'd rather write crazy.
I hope to be posting from time to time.
Hopefully I won't lose interest in a week, or get distracted by passing squirrels. 
I am promising myself to tend to my blog better than I tend to my garden.  If you enjoy reading about daschunds, and grandsons,  A.D.D and've come to the right place!


  1. I am pleased as punch to see you blogging. I can't wait to read more of your hilarious musings.

    1. that I've made it formal...I've run out of ideas. I KNEW that was going to happen! THIS an idea??

  2. SPINACH... Yummm - Popeye Jr.

  3. Is that picture of you? You are HOT

    1. Why, thank you Anonymous....if that's your real name.....


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