Blogger has this insidious feature. A feature that preys on my innate curiosity and my love of lifelong learning.
Oh, who am I kidding! My slight obsessive tendencies.
Oh who am I kidding! My OCD...
I seem to have gotten off topic. I want to tell you about the Blogger feature that preys on my you know what.
I am able to see , not only how many views my blog posts get, but also where they came from. Logically , most views come from the good old U.S.of A.
A handful from Canada. Thank you Eselson/Wilson  family members!
But who the hell do I know in Germany?
How did someone in Germany find me?
Why are they reading my blog ?!
What do they want from me?
Please identify yourself Frau or Frauline.
Let's put history behind us and join together in harmony. I'd like to teach the world to sing.... And I'll start with you!
And thank you for your support!
